COVID-19 Critical Care Resources

This website aims to provide reliable up-to-date resources, but with the rapid changes in this situation and the numerous incorrect resources, this is not guaranteed. Older links are archived - see bottom of page

ICU Management of COVID: overviews and guidelines

Management Principles: Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients - UoT IDCCM, May 24

ANZICS COVID-19 Guidelines

NIH COVID treatment guidelines, Dec 3

Brigham & Womens's Hospital COVID-19 Critical Care Clinical Guidelines 

Massachusetts General Hospital COVID-19 Treatment Guidance,

Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine: COVID-19 in pregnancy

BMJ: Living Systematic Review

WHO: Theraputics living guideline


Anticoagulation & COVID: Critically ill, NEJM Aug 4, 2021
Anticoagulation & COVID: non-critically ill, NEJM Aug 4 2021
Recovery after prolonged ICU for COVID, Lancet Aug 1, 2021
Outcome of pregnant women with COVID, JAMA Aug 11, 2021

Safety of COVID vaccination in pregnancy, NEJM, April 21, 2021
Airborne transmission and COVID, Lancet April 15, 2021
COVID pulmonary physiology (Gattinoni),  March 3, 2021
Thromboembolic complication of COVID in pregnancy, BMC Preg Child, Feb 2021
Vit D and COVID, JAMA Feb 17, 2021
Antibody resistance to variants, Preprint, Feb 12, 2021
mRNA vaccine and efficacy against variants, Preprint, Jan 25

ISARIC4 model for deterioration in COVID, Lancet Resp Med  Jan 11, 2021
   - ISARIC4 online calculator

NIH COVID treatment guidelines, updated Dec 3

ACTIV-4 full anticoagulation for ICU COVID paused due to futility

Quick ICU Training for COVID-19 for non-intensivists

Resources & Links

EmergentC: website providing curated clinical knowledge about COVID-19
Univeristy Health Network, Toronto, PPE for aerosol generating procedures - YouTube
Ventilation of COVID : Toronto Critical Care resources (Laurent Brochard)
Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society Intubation Guidelines for #COVID19
Government of Canada: COVID-19 for health professionals
Government of Canada: Infection Preventiona and Control for COVID-19
Critical Care Services Ontario: Surge capacity management
Ontario MOHLTC guideance
Public Health Ontario, COVID-19
Pandemic triage, Mike Christian, Crit Care Clinics, 2019
COVID-19 ICU intubation procedure (Sinai, Toronto)

ICS Safety Alert: High Flow O2 and hospital infrastructure
ISTH Thrombosis in COVID - Webinar
Twitter thread: COVID in NYC, clinical charactersitics and management
Ventilating 2 patients on one ventilator: Columbia University, March 24th
Surviving Sepsis Guidelines COVID-19 management synopsis, March 26
ANZICS Guidelines for COVID-19, March 16th
Royal College of Anaesthetists U.K - COVID-19 resources
SCCM COVID-19 Preparedness Checklist
SCCM COVID-19 Resources
COVID-19: National University of Singapore
CDC COVID-19 resources
WHO COVID-19 updates

COVID-19 live updates

John Hopkins COVID-19 Global dashboard

WHO COVID19 dashboard
WHO map

Worldometers COVID-19

COVID-19 in Ontario, Canada

Ontario Dashboard (

COVID-19 in Pregnancy

Outcome of pregnant women with COVID, JAMA Aug 11, 2021
Delivery & oxygenation in COVID, BJOG Aug 10, 2021
COVID vaccination & infection in pregnancy, JAMA July 12, 2021
COVID pregnancy outcomes: living systematic review, AOGS Jun 6 2021
Maternal outcomes and risk factors, Sci Rep July 6, 2021
MBRRACE: Learning from COVID maternal deaths in pregnancy
Preeclampsia and COVID: INTERCOVID longitudinal study  AJOG June26, 2021
Perinatal outcome in Canada, JAMA May 2021
Pregnant women more affected in the second wave? Lancet May 22, 2021
Mortality of hospitalized pregnant patients with COVID, Ann Int Med, May 2021
Adverse neonatal outcomes, Swedish cohort, JAMA April 2021
Adverse maternal and neonatal outcome with COVID (multinational cohort), JAMA April 22, 2021
Safety of COVID vaccination in pregnancy, NEJM, April 21, 2021
COVID-pregnancy US cohort study, Obstet Gynecol April 2021
UKOSS report (inlcuding B117 variant), March 2021
Pregnancy and immune response to vaccine, March 24 2021
COVID vaccine in pregnancy information, Ontario PCMCH, Feb 11,2021
Thromboembolic complication of COVID in pregnancy, BMC Preg Child, Feb 2021
SOGC Statement  on vaccination in Pregnancy (updated Feb 15, 2021)
COVID in pregnancy overview, JAMA Feb 8
COVID Severity & perinatal outcomes, Obstet, Gynecol Feb 8
Pregnancy, breast-feeding and COVID vaccination, CMAJ, Jan 27
Clinical characteristics, US cohort study, JAMA Jan 15
ICNARC report, Jan 15 2021
CANCOVID-Preg report, Jan 15 2021
UKOSS prerprint, Jan 5, 2021
RCOG - vaccination in pregnancy & breastfeeding, Dec 30
ACOG vaccination in pregnancy & lactating mothers, Dec 21
Canadian surveillance of COVID in pregnancy, AJOG Dec 2020
CANCOVID-Preg report, Dec 2
Rooming-in and breast feeding with COVID+ mothers, JAMA Dec 7
COVID vaccination in pregnancy, SMFM December 1
Corticosteroids for COVID in pregnancy, Obstet Gynecol  October 2020
COVID & pregnancy outcome from Sweden (increased preeclampsia), JAMA Sept 23
Pregnancy & COVID: Pharmacological considerations, Ultras OB Gyn, Sept 21
Pre-procedural asymptomatic COVID, AJOG Sept 21
Clinical manifestation & outcome of COVID in pregnancy: systematic review, BMJ Sept 1
IH Guideliens: COVID treatment in Pregnancy, Sept 1
High dose Nitric Oxide in pregnant patients with COVID, Obstet Gynecol Aug 29
MBRRACE UK: Learning from maternal COVID deaths, Aug 2020
ICU admissions of pregnant women with COVID, AJOG Aug
Outcome of pregnant women admitted to ICU with COVID-19, AJOG Aug 6
Systematic review: maternal & neonatal outcome of pregnant , hospitalized patints with COVID, IJGO, July 24
Thrombosis and thromboprophylaxis in COVID-19 pregnancy, AOGS, July 17
Including pregnant women in clinical trials of COVID-19, Ann Int Med, June 29
CDC data on COVID-19 in pregnant women, June 25
Maternal mortality of COVID-19 in pregnant patients admitted to ICU in NY, Am J Obstet Gynecol, June 15
Systematic review and meta analysis of COVID-19 in pregnancy, Lancet E-Clinical Med, June 2020
Prone positioning in pregnancy - an algorithm, Obstet Gynecol, June 9
COVID in pregnancy in the UK: national cohort study, BMJ, June 8
Obstetric patients with COVID-19, New York. Obets Gynecol, May 27
Universal testing of OB patients in NY, AJOG MFM, May 15
Placental pathology in COVID, AJCP  May 22
Special supplement, COVID and pregnancy, AJOG, May 2020
Delivery for pregnant women with COVID respiratory compromise, AJOG, May 23
Case series 46 pregnant women in Washington State, AJOG May 17
UKOSS report: COVID in pregnancy, May 11
Postpartum exacerbation of COVID, CMAJ May 6
Maternal death due to COVID, ACOG, Apr 28
Scoping review of COVID in pregnancy, Int J Obstet Gynecol, April 24
COVID in pregnancy: 118 women from Wuhan, NEJM April 17
Classification of maternal-fetal-neonatal COVID disease, AOGS, April 11
Prone positioning in pregnancy, BMC Preg Childbirth, 2018
Risks of COVID Treatment in pregnancy
Systematic review of maternal & perinatal outcomes: 108 patients, AOGS, April  7
Care of pregnant women in labour and delivery, AJOG April 10
ACOG Statement: recent developments with COVID, April 6
COVID-19 in pregnant women: report on 43 pregnant women from NY, AJOG, April 6
COVID in pregnancy, review, AJOG, April 5
Perinatal aspects of COVID-19, J Perinatology, March 26
RCOG: Guide for Maternal Medicine, March 30
RCOG Q&A's for pregnant women & COVID, March 28
RCOG update: March 28
Pregnancy and COVID-19: REVIEW (March 21)
RCOG COVID Maternity eLearning package
COVID in pregnant women (update), Lancet March 17
Pregnancy & breastfeeding - CDC, March 17
Anesthetic regimens for Cesarean delivery - 17 patients, Can J Anesth, March 16
Coronavirus in pregnancy, Obstet Gynecol March 16th
Royal College of Anaesthetists: COVID-19 in pregnancy
RCOG: COVID-19 and pregnancy - update March 13th
CDC Guideline on COVID-19 in Inpatient Obstetric settings, March 11
Obstetric Anaesthetists Association statement on COVID-19, March 9th
Guidelines for pregnant women with COVID-19, Lancet March 3 2020
           Algorithm for pregnant women with COVID-19
ACOG Practice advisory - COVID-19
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Pregnancy: What obstetricians need to know. AJOG, Feb 24, 2020
WHO: Clinical management of COVID-19, Jan 28th (includes Pediatric & Obstetric patients)

Recently published Literature (see below for "Therapeutics")

Anticoagulation & COVID: Critically ill, NEJM Aug 4, 2021
Anticoagulation & COVID: non-critically ill, NEJM Aug 4 2021
Recovery after prolonged ICU for COVID, Lancet Aug 1, 2021
PLEX for VITT, NEJM July 7, 2021
Casirivimab and imdevimab RECOVERY trial (preprint), June 16, 2021
UK guidelines on VITT, 28 May 2021
COVID in African ICU's, Lancet May 22, 2021
ISTH Guidance for managing VITT, April 20, 2021
Mechanisms of VITT (preprint)., April 20th, 2021
Airborne transmission and COVID, Lancet April 15, 2021
TTP after COVID vaccination, NEJM, April 9, 2021
Inhaled budesonide for home tretament, Lancet April 9, 2021
Matched cohort study (pre/post VOC), BMJ March 10, 2021
RCT ivermectin and COVID, JAMA March 4, 2021
COVID pulmonary physiology (Gattinoni),  March 3, 2021
Anticoagulation in hospitalized patients with COVID-19, Hunt et al, BMJ Feb 19
SOFA for predicting COVID mortality, JAMA Feb 17, 2021
Vit D and COVID, JAMA Feb 17, 2021
Antibody resistance to variants, Preprint, Feb 12, 2021
RECOVERY tocilizumab preprint, Feb 11, 2021
Budesonide and COVID preprint, Feb 8
mRNA vaccine and efficacy against variants, Preprint, Jan 25
Multiplatform RCT of  full anticoagulation preliminary results, Jan 28
Colchicine in COVID-19 preprint, Jan 27
FICM/ICS Guideline on COVID management, Jan 13 2021
Risk to HCW during COVID intubation, Can J Anesth June 11,2021
REMAP-CAP tocilizumab preprint, Jan 7 2021
Tocilizumab EMPACTA  RCT, NEJM Jan  7, 2021
ISARIC4 model for deterioration in COVID, Lancet Resp Med  Jan 11, 2021
   - ISARIC4 online calculator
Canadian surveillance of COVID in pregnancy, AJOG Dec 2020
Baricitinib + remdesivir for COVID, NEJM Dec 11
Risk factors for hospital mortality in US, JAMA Dec 10
Safety and efficicacy of mRNA vaccine, NEJM Dec 10
Risk factors for COVID in cancer patients, JAMA Dec 10
COVID & invasive fungal infections, AJRCCM, Dec 2, 2020
Aspergillosis in COVID, JAMA Dec 8
ARDS phenotypes in COVID-19, Lancet December 2020
Timeline of spectrum of COVID disease, JAMA Nov 18
Cross reacting antibodies in subsaharan Africa, Int J Infect Dis Nov 7
High prevalence sero-cross + in Africa, Int J Infect Dis, Nov 2
Virology, tranmission and pathogenesis of COVID-19, BMJ Oct 23
COVID ARDS Physiology, Intensive Care Med, October 21
SOLIDARITY trial preliminary results, WHO Oct 16
Ivermectin in COVID - retrospective study, Chest Oct 13
Classification of aerosol generating procedures, BMJ, October 2020
Virology, pathogenesis, transmission of COVID, BMJ, October
COVID reinfection case report, Lancet Oct 12
Steroids & COVID, Lancet Oct 9
Tracheostomy in COVID, JAMA Oct 8
Remdesivir for COVID, NEJM Oct 8
Long-terms consequences of COVID, JAMA Oct 5
COVID & pregnancy outcome from Sweden (increased preeclampsia), JAMA Sept 23
Pregnancy & COVID: Pharmacological considerations, Ultras OB Gyn, Sept 21
Pre-procedural asymptomatic COVID, AJOG Sept 21
COVID & pneumothorax, Europ Resp J, Sept 16
COVID transmission in HCW, Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol, Sept 9
COVID-19 and mRNA vaccines, JAMA Sept 3
Rapid systematic review: classification of AGMP, BMJ Aug
JAMA Sept 2 online COVID/steroid publications:
- COVID-19 and steroid therapy - Editorial
- Hydrocortisone RCT
- CODEX dexamethasone RCT
- REMAP-CAP hydrocortisone RCT
- Steroids and COVID-19 metaanalysis
Absence of cytokine storm in COVID-19, JAMA Sept 3
NIH COVID treatment guidelines, Sept 1
Coagulopathy in COVID-19: review , Crit Care Med  Sept
Awake proning: rapid review, J Crit Care Aug 27
COVID-19 in Canada, JAMA Aug 10
Outcome of pregnant women admitted to ICU with COVID-19, AJOG Aug 6
Convalescent plasma preprint, July 30
Systematic review: maternal & neonatal outcome of pregnant , hospitalized patints with COVID, IJGO, July 24
Hydroxychloroquine and COVID: Brazilian RCT, NEJM, July 23
RECOVERY trial: dexamethasone in COVID-19, NEJM July 17
Thrombosis and thromboprophylaxis in COVID-19 pregnancy, AOGS, July 17
Airborne transmission of COVID-19, JAMA July 13
    - Twitter thread discussing/refuting above
COVID-19 neurological effects, Brain, July 8
Increased risk of COVID-19 in PPI users, AJG, July 7
Fan et al, COVID-19 ARDS:  Lancet Respir Med, July 6
"Cytokine storm" and COVID-19, JAMA, June 30
Sensitivity of NP swabs and saliva in COVID-19 testing, Clin Inf Dis, June 25
Dexamethasone in COVID-19 (RECOVERY trial) (preprint, June 22), NEJM July 17
Systematic review and meta analysis of COVID-19 in pregnancy, Lancet E-Clinical Med, June 2020
Prone positioning in pregnancy - an algorithm, Obstet Gynecol, June 9
COVID in pregnancy in the UK: national cohort study, BMJ, June 8
Chest guidelines on VTED & COVID-19, June 2
Tracheal intubation in patients with COVID-19, CMAJ, June 1
Period of infectivity with COVID-19, Singapore NCID, May 23
Delivery for pregnant women with COVID respiratory compromise, AJOG, May 23
Remdesivir treatment RCT, NEJM, May 22
COVID physiology: respiratory mechanics and gas exchange (New York), Ann ATS, May 20
Tracheostomy and COVID, Lancet May 15
Prone positioning & spontaneous breathing (Edit), JAMA May 15

Physiology of COVID ARDS (Boston), AJRCCM April 29
Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2: narrative review, Anaestehsia Apr 20



Budesonide and COVID preprint, Feb 8
Colchicine in COVID-19 preprint, Jan 27
RECOVERY tocilizumab preprint, Feb 11, 2021
      REMAP-CAP preprint, Jan 7, 2021
      EMPACTA RCT, NEJM Jan  7, 2021
      TOCIBRAS (Brazil) BMJ, Jan 20, 2021
      BACC Bay study, NEJM Dec 10, 2020
      CORIMUNO study, JAMA  Oct 20, 2020
     Review: clinical and computational, Pharm Reports, Jan 3, 2021
     Cohort study, Chest October 12
     Systematic review, Pharm Sci, 23 Nov
Steroids & COVID, Lancet Oct 9
Remdesivir for COVID, NEJM Oct 8
Pregnancy & COVID: Pharmacological considerations, Ultras OB Gyn, Sept 21

JAMA Sept 2 online COVID/steroid publications
- COVID-19 and steroid therapy - Editorial
- Hydrocortisone RCT
- CODEX dexamethasone RCT
- REMAP-CAP hydrocortisone RCT
- Steroids and COVID-19 metaanalysis
High dose Nitric Oxide in pregnant patients with COVID, Obstet Gynecol Aug 29

Clinical practice guidelines for COVID management (Greater Toronto Area), March 30

RECOVERY trial: dexamethasone in COVID-19, NEJM July 17
UK Recovery trial on hydroxychloroquine, online results June 5
Remdesivir: pharmacology review, Am Col Clin Pharm, June 2
Managing drug shortages during COVID, CJ Anesth, May 27
Remdesivir treatment RCT, NEJM, May 22
RCT of interferon, Kaletra, ribavirin in COVID, Lancet, May 8
Evidence-based treatment guidelines, CMAJ, April 29
Remdesevir RCT from China, Lancet April 29
COVID therapeutic research updates
Review of pharmacologic treatment of COVID-19, JAMA, April 13
Risks of COVID Treatment in pregnancy
Study of compassionate use of remdesivir, NEJM April 10
Siltuximab (anti-IL-6) study (Preprint), April 3
Treatment with convalencent plasma - 5 patient, JAMA, March 27
Lopinovir-Ritonovir RCT, NEJM, March 18
Open label trial of hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin (PREPRINT), March 18
Retrospective review of tocilizumab in COVID-19 in China (NOT PEER-REVIEWED),
COVID-19: combining antiviral and anti-inflammatory treatments, Lancet Feb27, 2020
NIH clinical trial of remdesivir to treat COVID-19 begins
Hopkins ABX Guide and COVID-19
Coronavirus puts drug repurposing on the fast track
COVID drug interactions

Pro -
Risk factors associated with ARDS & mortality, JAMA March 13th
Con - Severe SARS-CoV-2 and Intensive Care, ICM  Feb 26th

Research studies
Recombinant Human Angiotensin-converting Enzyme 2 (rhACE2) as a Treatment for Patients With COVID-19
Study to Evaluate the Safety and Antiviral Activity of Remdesivir (GS-5734™) in Participants With Severe COVID-19
The Efficacy and Safety of Thalidomide in the Adjuvant Treatment of Moderate New Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pneumonia
The Clinical Study of Carrimycin v lopinavir/ritonaviron or chloroquine on Treatment Patients With COVID-19
The Efficacy of Intravenous Immunoglobulin Therapy for Severe 2019-nCoV Infected Pneumonia
RCT of tocilizumab for treatment of COVID-19 (China)

Images, Infographics, lists, videos, guidelines

CCSO YouTube channel: COVID management presentations

Position statement of infectivity, Singapore NCID, May 23
Thrombosis UK webinar: Management of thrombosis in COVID-19, May 19th
Unique attenuating mutation in COVID
Twitter thread on transmission dynamics, May 4
NHS (England) COVID Guidelines
Protected intubation video (Sinai, Toronto)
ESICM ventilation webinar (April 2):
Blog discussion
- Playback webinar
- Infographic
- Guy's & St. Thomas Vent algorithm
Mayo Clinic Knowledge Translation for COVID-19
Stanford OB Anesthesia intubation & extubation video
ISTH Thrombosis in COVID - Webinar
Hematological managament of COVID (from Guy's & St. Thomas Hospital)
COVID stages and immune response
Contained extubation in a Heliox-filled bag
Using Anesthetic Gas Machines for ICU ventilation
Calculating Recruitment/Inflation ratio & Airway Opening pressure (videos and calculator)
Using Anesthetic Gas Machines for ICU ventilation
Calculating Recruitment/Inflation ratio & Airway Opening pressure (videos and calculator)
"Critical Care for non-ICU Physicians" - free online by SCCM
Intensive Care Medicine: COVID simulation guidance, March 18th
COVID-19 "One Pager" by Seattle intensivist, Nick Mark
Coping with COVID-19 stress: 3 steps, By Jon Hunter & Bob Maunder
Interview by JAMA with Dr. Maurizio Cecconi from Lombardy, Italy - March 13th
Advice from OAA - COVI-19 in pregnancy

Algorithm for pregnant women with COVID-19

Pandemic Planning literature

Preparing intensive care for the next pandemic influenza, Crit Care 2019

Preparing the ICU for disaster, Crit Care Clinics 2019

Augmenting critical care capacity in a disaster, Crit Care Clin 2019

Triage, Crit Care Clinics, 2019

Disaster Care Considerations in Chronically Ill, Pregnant, and Morbidly Obese Patients, Crit Care Clin 2019

Chest consensus statement 2014

Critical Care during a Pandemic - Ontario OHPIP, 2006

ARCHIVED LINKS This site developed & maintained by Stephen Lapinsky