
UK Recovery trial on hydroxychloroquine, online results June 5
RCT of hydroxychloroquine for post-exposure prophylaxis, NEJM June 3
RECOVERY trial dexamethasone Press release, June 17
     RECOVERY trial protocol
     RECOVERY trial statistical analysis plan
Routine VTE prophylaxis in COVID-19 in inadequate, CCM, May 27
VTE and COVID - narrative review, JTH, May 27
Subphenotyping COVID ARDS, Ann ATS, May 11
UKOSS report: COVID in pregnancy, May 11
Pulmonary intravascular coagulopathy of COVID, Lancet, May 7
Management of respiratory failure in COVID, BMJ, May 4
RCT of interferon, Kaletra, ribavirin in COVID, Lancet, May 8
Maternal death due to COVID, ACOG, Apr 28
Steroid treatment for COVID ARDS, Crit Care Explor, April
High incidence of thrombosis in COVID, Thromb Res, April 30
COVID update: vascular dysfunction v inflammatory, ICM April 28
Remdesevir RCT from China, Lancet April 29
Critical Care utilization in Lomabardy, Italy. JAMA , March 13th
Risk factors associated with ARDS & mortality, JAMA March 13th
Systematic review of studies of clinical aspects of COVID-19, Travel Med Infect Dis, March 13th
Coronvirus in Italy: what next?, Lancet March 13th
Monoclonal antibody against SARS-CoV-2 (PREPRINT), March 12th
Supporting the healthcare workforce during COVID-19, JAMA March 12
Care for Critically ill patients with COVID-19, JAMA March 11th
Detection of  SARS-CoV-2 in clinical specimens, JAMA March 11th
Clinical course & mortality prediction: cohort of 19 pts from China, March 9th
Effect of escalating infection control precautions in Hong Kong, ICHE Journal, March 5
Clinical course of 18 patients from Singapore, JAMA March 3rd, 2020
Critical Care recommendations, Intensive Care Medicine, March 2, 2020
COVID-19 in 9 pregnant women: Lancet  March 7th
Current state: Anthony Fauci, NEJM Feb 28, 2020
Responding to COVID-19, Bill Gates, NEJM Feb 28th, 2020
Report on 1099 patients in China, NEJM, Feb 28th, 2020
Case report: diagnosis by BAL after negative NP swab, J Clin Microbiol, Feb 26
Staff safety during airway management with COVI-19, Lancet, Feb 24th
Report on 72,000 cases from China, JAMA Feb 24th, 2020
Aerosol dispersion during various respiratory therapies, Hong Kong Med J 2014
COVID-19: challenge for Critical Care, Y. Arabi, Intensive Care Med, March 3, 2020
Surface environmental and PPE contamination by SARS-CoV-2, JAMA March 4, 2020
Severe SARS-CoV-2 and Intensive Care, ICM  Feb 26th
COVID-19 Overview, Jama Feb 28th, 2020
COVID ARDS physiology and subphenotypes, Ann ATS, Apr 26
Scoping review of COVID in pregnancy, Int J Obstet Gynecol, April 24
Tocilizumab case report: lack of beneficial effect, Chest, April 25
 Thrombolytic drugs to treat COVID-19, JTH April 23
Autopsy lung pathology, Intensive Care Med April 23
Airborne transmission - a narrative review, Anaesthesia, April 20
COVID and ACE inhibitors in inpatients, JACC, April 17
COVID in pregnancy: 118 women from Wuhan, NEJM April 17
COVID Thrombotic disease - State of the Art review, JACC April 15
COVID pneumonia phenotypres, Critical Care, April 16
COVID phenotypes and mechanical ventilation. Gattinoni et al, ICM, April 14
Review of pharmacologic treatment of COVID-19, JAMA, April 13
Mechanical ventilation and COVID-19, Martin Tobin, AJRCCM, April 13
Universal screening of women admitted for delivery, NEJM April 13
Outcome of CPR in COVID-19, Resuscitation (proof, Apr 6)
Pulmonary adncardiac pathology on autopsy, New Orlean (preprint)
Protecting healthcare workers, Nava et al, Europ Resp Rev, April 6
Report on 1592 ICU patients in Lombardy, JAMA April 6
COVID-19 in pregnant women: report on 43 pregnant women from NY, AJOG, April 6
ICNARC report on 2204 patients, April 3
COVID phenotypes and mechanical ventilation (Gattinoni), ICM April 3
COVID ARDS by Gattinoni et al, AJRCCM, March 30
Palliative Care in COVID, CMAJ, March 31
Airway management during COVID, CJEM, March 30
ICNARC report on first 775 cases in U.K., March 27
Cardiac involvement with #COVID-19, JAMA March 27
End of life care for COVID-19 in the Emergency Room, Can J Emerg Med, March 26
Case fatality and characterstics of COVID-19 patients in Italy, JAMA March 23
Treatment of COVID ARDS, Lancet March 20
COVID in pregnant women (update), Lancet March 17
Upper respiratory viral load, NEJM March 18
Aerosol and surface stability of SARS-CoV-2 versus SARS-CoV, NEJM March 18
Lopinavir-Ritonavir trial, NEJM March 18th
Initial USA data, Feb 12- March 16, MMWR March 18
Transmission amongst crew members on cruise ship, MMWR March 17
Lidocaine during intubaiton and extubation of COVID-16, Can J Anaesth, March 16
Case report of fulminant myocarditis treated with steroids & IVIG, Euro H J, March 16
Coronavirus in pregnancy, Obstet Gynecol March 16th
Other links
Twitter thread: COVID-19 overview, March 4, 2020
Twitter thread on initial COVID-19 research, Jan 25th   (by @mugecevik)
   Thread 2: Updated research thread Feb 9th 2020
    Thread 3: More COVID19 research  March 7 2020
Thread reviewing the Webinar by Dr. Yaseen Arabi: COVID-19 and ICU
U.K. Donning video    & doffing video
U.K. NHS Guidance on COVID19
WHO: Clinical management of COVID-19, Jan 28th (includes Pediatric & Obstetric patients)
Initial recommendations fom Italy, March 9th
Infographic: initial experience  from Italy: ICUwith COVID-19
Critically ill patients with COVID19
Airway Management - Hong Kong infographic
PPE for COVID19 - Ontario, Canada
ESICM interview and presentation by Prof. Bin Du Director of the Medical ICU, Peking Union Medical College, Feb 26, 2020
WHO-China joint mission report on COVID-19
Wuhan Intubation Team: YouTube video Feb 25, 2020